Consentful Interface: Perspective Mosaic


A revision of a my previous experimental camera project that has asks for the user’s consent using the F.R.I.E.S. model for consent. Consenting to allow the webpage to use the camera is not a requirement to view the webpage so consent can be given freely without the use of a quid pro quo deal. It’s setup in such a way that the user can easily reverse their choice at any time. The interface for requesting to use the camera seeks to be clear and comprehensive to allow the user to make an informed decision when providing camera and mic access. The consent check uses positive language to encourage a positive and enthusiastic response from users. Finally, the wording of the consent check is both authentic and specific about how the camera and mic and the data generated from their use will be used if granted permission. All five of these concepts work together to enable end users to freely and enthusiastically give their consent without worry of compromising a personal boundary to view the page’s content.

Design Process

I started my map of a consentful interface not from the beginning of the sketch, but from the homepage of my glitch portfolio. I began with informing users about how cookies are used on the site and allowing them to modify their preferences. Then after selecting the page for a sketch that requires permissions, they would go through a consent request process specific to that sketch in that instance of accessing it. For the purpose of this exercise, I decided just to focus on consent request process for the sketch itself and not explore creating a new interface for the rest of the site.

Initial sketches

When the embedded p5.js sketch loads, it will load to a default screen explaining what information is gathered by the sketch and how it is used and stored before requesting permission to the user's device. If the user declines to give the sketch permission, a still image of the camera’s output will load in the sketch instead in order to demonstrate the camera’s effect. If the user accepts, then the camera will activate and the user will be able to capture and save images through the sketch. In order to allow users to freely give their consent, they can disable or enable the camera at any time with a button at the bottom of the sketch in order to return to the consent request page.


This sketch took me a little longer than I enticipated to get up and running, mainly due to my button interactions not being set up correctly. I also took this time to learn a little more about the visual formatting of buttons and DOM elements in order to give the sketch a more polished look.

I think this framework for consent is good model for imagining how we want to shape the future of interaction on the internet as personal user data becomes ever more personal and valuable. The problems of convoluted and ambiguous Privacy Policies and Terms of Service documents they everyone is forced to sign today only becomes exacerbated as people are essentially coerced into providing their personal data in order to use common services or products they own.